Join Dublin’s leading martial arts club!

//Join Dublin’s leading martial arts club!

Join Dublin’s leading martial arts club!

So much happening at the moment, lots of new members and new faces to our range of classes. Lot’s of tournaments done and lots more to do! As always new members are always welcome to join any of our classes, just drop us a line.
Keep up to speed with us over on our Facebook page, hit ‘Like’ and get to know us 🙂

At Red Star we have dedicated children’s classes, including a Little Kickers class for 4 to 7 year olds, Taekwon-Do Tigers for 7 to 12 year olds, Taekwon-Do Warriors for intermediate children already training in Taekwon-Do. We also have adult and teen and adult kickboxing classes, specialised self defence training and personal training options available.

By |2013-05-08T09:16:12+00:00December 11th, 2012|News|0 Comments

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